Wednesday 22 November 2017

Installing Hybris Using Installer Recipes

Installer Recipe: an automated script that takes care of creating directories, moving files, updating configuration and properties files, and initializing the system. 

The Installer is currently only intended to install SAP Hybris Commerce in development environments or for demonstration purposes and NOT for production environments.

The Installer allows you to easily install the SAP Hybris Commerce flavor, that is, SAP Hybris Commerce with the desired application, such as B2C Accelerator or Telco & Media Accelerator. 

The Installer replaces the manual procedure that you used to install and initialize previous versions of SAP Hybris Commerce. 

Caution: The Installer doesn't uninstall recipes and doesn't restore your Hybris file system to its original settings. Hence don’t use the Installer to run one recipe after another on the same Hybris Commerce. To install another recipe, use a clean Hybris Commerce. 

To install SAP Hybris Commerce and the desired application (flavor):

1.    Go to the installer directory

If you don't know the name of your installer recipe, you can verify it in the recipes directory

2.    To install the SAP Hybris Commerce flavor using the required recipe: 
  • On Windows: install.bat -r <recipe_name> 
  • On Linux or Mac: ./ -r <recipe_name>

3.    To initialize SAP Hybris Commerce:
  • On Windows: install.bat -r <recipe_name> initialize
  • On Linux or Mac: ./ -r <recipe_name> initialize

4.    To start SAP Hybris Commerce:
  • On Windows: install.bat -r <recipe_name> start
  • On Linux or Mac: ./ -r <recipe_name> start

To perform the steps 2, 3 and 4 in a single command, execute the following:
  • On Windows: install.bat -r <recipe_name>  perform
  • On Linux or Mac: ./ -r <recipe_name> perform
This command performs setup, build, initialize and start - in this order


Options for Installer Script
./ -r <recipe>    

Setup task for the specified recipe.

./ -r <recipe> initialize     

Initializes the Commerce Suite.

./ -r <recipe> start    

Starts the Hybris Server.

./ -r <recipe> buildSystem    

Builds the Commerce Suite.

./ -l <recipe>    

Lists all available recipes.

./ -d <recipe>    

Sets the Gradle log level to DEBUG.

./ -i <recipe>    

Sets the Gradle log level to INFO.

./ -s <recipe>    

Prints out the stack trace for all exceptions.

./ -h <recipe>    

Prints help to screen.

./ -t <recipe>     

Lists all the tasks available for the specified recipe.

./ -r <recipe> -P <path>    

Sets the platform home to the specified directory.

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